Thursday, October 25, 2012

Life and Magic

“If physics leads us today to a world view which is essentially mystical, it returns, in a way, to its beginning, 2,500 years ago. ... This time, however, it is not only based on intuition, but also on experiments of great precision and sophistication, and on a rigorous and consistent mathematical formalism.”

― Fritjof Capra

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return."
Leonardo da Vinci

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Honesty is the most vulnerable man I have ever met. He is simple and loving. He lives in a small town on a cliff near the beach. I had forgotten how many stars there are in the midnight sky until I spent a week with him at his house by the sea.

In my time I have been afraid of so many things, most especially of the heights and of the darkness. I know if I had been driving anywhere else, the road would have terrified me. Knowing I was on my way to see him softened the fear. And in his presence the darkness becomes big and deep and comforting. He says if you are totally vulnerable , you cannot be hurt.
-J.Ruth Gendler.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Ebbs and Flows...

You are approaching your life. Every day, every moment. Some times the sun is shining, sometimes the sky is black and the moon is hidden. Similarly some times we need action, sometimes we need non action. Look back throughout the last 2-5 years of your life, recollect the steps you have taken, the tools you have learned and gathered. See the advancement in your learning, growing and most of all achievement.
You are on track, you are going exactly to the place you are meant to be. If nothing else remember the universe honors what ones heart deeply yearns for; if you stay in integrity, in gentle alignment with that..... There is nothing else you need to be concerned about.

Intuitive selves...

"well...thats we do....we act on things that go against our intuitive selves and wind up doing things that dont serve us or the situations and this provides an oppurtunity to grow and learn to trust ourselves more so thats all it opportunity to become more firmly seated in trusting what signals that come up to rely on and its an on going process to stand more firm and clear... being able to read a good combined intellect -heart read but the ebb and flow of this process is great...
give thanks for the quick awareness that you gain for the times you've gone against your intuitive feelings. can feel like shit for sure but this will just drive it deeper with the learning and as long as we can speak our truth with clear, compassionate communication..then we can not be responsible for how another receives things and get upset...
we just have to be seated in clear compassionate speech and thats all we can trully be responsible for. one is matter how much we think we know, situations arise to challenge us and put these things to the test."

New Earth Relationships

New Earth relationships will be so different to the relationships you now have. They will be gentler and more playful and yet wise. There will be less intensity and drama, and more caring, nurturing and companionship. You will come to realise that the purpose of relationship, all relationship, is to "relate" - to share and to support and to nuture from your own sense of abundance and completeness. You will look for relationships that are spiritual and heart-based, rather then physical and emotional. In the Old Earth relationship paradigm, relationships were based on physical atrraction and emotional bonding. In the New earth, your relationships will be based in the heart, in feelings, compassion, connection and mutual respect and support. We forsee many relationships growing between people of different age groups and different cultures, relationships that will be deep and meaningful, and yet would not have seemed possible before because of the narrow limitations of what you considered a relationship to be in your Old Earth energy framework.
These relationships will be light and joyous, and yet capable of real depth and intimacy because the people concerned will be more interested in the connections of the soul rather than the connections of the external and the physical realms.
There will be sharing and caring, and yet both partners will be independent and self-reliant within themselves. There can be no co-dependency in the New Earth. Balance is so important. These relationships will be balanced and loving, between two equally powerful and caring persons. There will be no dominance, no victims, no dramas and no abuse.
There will be commitment - commitment to the relationship and the mutual growth of each of the partners within the relationship. And this will be true for all relationships, not just love or romantic relationships. Friendships will become deeper and more meaningful experiences, as you understand that you have soul families, and that your friends often are close soul relations who are here to love and support you in your work on the planet. And when your relationships exist in this loving and balanced state, then your sexuality will also be loving and balanced. And, once again humans will learn to celebrate and enjoy their creative and sexual energies in ways that are life-enhancing and ecstatic. And we are here to work with you and love you and support you as you move into this loving and love-filled space.

~Indigo Nine~
A woman’s highest calling is to lead a man to his soul; so as to unite with Source, her lowest calling is to seduce; separate man from soul,and leave him aimlessly wandering.

A man’s highest calling is to protect woman; so she is free to walk the earth unharmed, man’s lowest calling is to ambush and force way into life of woman.

~ Cherokee