Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Beyond Illusion and Into Grace

Beyond Illusion and into Grace Beloved Ones, at this time we would speak a little about the present shifts in perception that you face as you embrace the Diamond Light and allow youtselves to release illusions and center yourselves in your personal truth.

We know that you have come to understand the nature of quantum reality and the illusionary basis of all reality in a Holographic Universe or Multiverse.Yet, there are choices to be made as to whether a particular illusion has validity in your Personal Reality Creation or that of the Collective as we move forward into the Higher Dimensions.

There are times, Beloveds, when illusion can become delusion, as you move away from your center to embrace the prepackaged ideas and illusions of others. The Diamond Light will assist you to see where you may be doing this.

In Planetary or Collective terms, this is done when you allow yourselves to be manipulated by the media. Your media serves to manipulate emotions on the lower frequencies of fear and anger in order to create illusions of lack and insecurity and hostility that become "reality" and prevent Humanity from experiencing the truth of their interconnection and unity, and from expressing that as Harmony. And so, often many of you respond to Planetary crises on the lower frequencies of anger and fear and so create separation, rather than rising to the Heart frequency and creating Unity and Creative Solutions.

On the Personal level, moving beyond illusions means being able to distinguish between lower frequency emotional patterns that create fear and anger and manipulation, and the Higher Dimensional impulses from the Higher Self that produce creative solutions and interpersonal harmony and creativity. This means also, dear ones, to be able to see and feel when you are not living your life with Passion, Integrity, and Commitment, and when you have alloweed yourself to fall into delusions and the pre-packaged ideas of others.

Personal Truth and Integrity are the result of the Alignment and Harmonization of the all the levels of your Being - Body, Soul and Spirit. When these aspects of Self are not aligned, there is inner chaos and inner fragmentation that often produces apathy, detachment and depression, as well a tendency to fall into delusions. However, when these aspects align, the Higher aspects fill the lower aspects with the fiery passion of Spirit and the creative power is intensified and magnified many times. The flow of energy releases powerful creative potential that in turn creates powerful personal manifestation on the Earth plane.

This state of alignment of which we speak, is also known as the "state of Grace". When you are in this alignment, the flow of Divine Love and Cosmic Fire moves freely from Heaven to Earth, and you become the conduit for Manifestation and Miracles according to the unfolding blessings of Divine Grace.

The state of Grace is achieved when all delusions are released and you live in absolute integrity with the impulses from Spirit and the Higher Self. In accepting this level of Self as the Creative Source of Life, the Lower Levels are aligned as receptacles for Divine Love and Grace and Bliss. But, this energy is Creative and Expressive and seeks to be shared in relationships, connections, projects, creations and dreams! Once it begins to flow, it must be shared creatively or it will "blow" some of your new Light Body wiring. The wiring is designed for Connection and Collective experience, as you become aware that in the Fifth Dimensional New Earth, the "I" is only in a state of Grace when connected to a "We" as a Creative Partner and a Dynamic Source of Light and Love!

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